How to OKR like a pro

Get grounded in the basics – Head to the OKRs play in the Atlassian Team Playbook for step-by-step instructions, plus a real-life example OKRs page.

Nail your objectives – Objectives should be articulated as broad goals (not granular tasks or metrics). E.g., "Deliver a world-class onboarding experience."

Focus on results – KRs should be outcomes with a measurable target (again, not tasks or outputs of effort). E.g., "Reduce onboarding time by 10%."

Know the score – At the end of months 1 and 2, record your predicted score for the quarter. At the end of the quarter, record your final score.

  • (tick) Tip: Want a quick visual queue? Use the "change cell color" button in the toolbar above to give the score cells a red, yellow, or green background.
  • (tick) Tip: At the end of the quarter, calculate each objective's score by averaging the scores of its KRs. Click the "0.0" lozenge to record the final score.

Aim high – OKRs are meant to represent the most important things on your team's plate this quarter. So reach for the stars! You just might land on a mountain top.

ObjectivesKey resultsKR ownerPredicted/EoQ scoreMonthly commentary


End of quarter score:0.0


End of quarter score:0.0


End of quarter score:0.0


End of quarter score:0.0


End of quarter score:0.0

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